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I can’t because my kids…

I can’t because my kids…

Sound familiar?

We all have things we would like to get done in our lives. Dreams, goals, ambitions… but who has time these days?

Any number of things seem to get in our way on a daily basis. The kids have to get to school, then soccer practice… the car breaks down the next week and throws everything into chaos in the overly regimented schedule.

So what are your goals that you are putting off?

For me, it was making the time to give my popular Psychic Development Classes an upgrade and make them available online.

Not only am I am busy consultant, but I am also a stay at home dad. Several years back, I had to readjust my entire life when my daughter Camie was born. This meant that it became much more complicated seeing my clients and growing my businesses.

To prepare for the complications, I had to make things MORE complicated temporarily. This involved training a part time tour guide to help me with the Greenville Ghost Tour.

The following year, I launched a new business… Greenville Zombie Outbreak… my haunted trail. This had been a project I wanted to do earlier but logistics hadn’t played out at that time. This project took a massive amount of time and energy to launch… every year it still consumes much of my free time and evenings. Building props and planning for the massive madhouse that comes through is almost like a full time job in itself!

What the heck happened to the time I had for turning my Psychic Classes into an online format?

Talk about distractions! Well it hit me that sometimes I have too much stuff going on at once. Then it dawned on me that THAT is the motivation for getting this online psychic class put together.

How so? With all this parenting, consulting (my main gig), and building creepy Halloween crap… I really don’t have as much time to teach the Psychic Classes in person. By getting the project finished, folks could still get the awesome psychic education that they sought… which it has been hard to offer due to my schedule!

Being a go getter, I am naturally prone to ending up with too much on my plate. This causes it’s own problems as you can see. The decision was made to begin converting the Psychic Development Class for online presentation… but in order to do this I had to consciously decide that it was OK to put off some early prop building for my haunted trail. I like to start early so a lot of things are done prior to crunch time before we open for Halloween.

With that in mind, I grabbed my favorite deck of tarot cards for a quick confirmation. I asked, “should I get the psychic class project online now?” The answer was a definitive “Yes, the time is right.”


“I’m just like you daddy!” ~Camie

In order to get the classes done, I have to make other sacrifices and deal with many interruptions. This has included a nasty cold that had the whole house sniffling and coughing, daily school schedule for my 4 year old, making my scheduled appointment for client readings and consultations AND repairing wind damage to a 50 foot long, 8 foot tall privacy wall on the property.

As of this writing, I am finishing up the groundwork slides for the final week of this class. The next step is getting back into the studio to record the actual class videos. As I take pictures of the various tarot cards for class, my sweet little munchkin has all of her cards out too… spread all over the couch… running around laughing and giggling… “I’m just like you daddy!” She is the featured pic in this post…

The moral of this story is that sometimes, you simply have to MAKE time to reach your goals… CHASE your dreams even if it seems difficult or complicated. It is OK to strategically assign a higher priority to making the life YOU want!

Make sure you have signed up for news on my Online Psychic Development Class website… early birds will get a special deal when classes launch if you are on that email list! Developing your own intuitive insights is a great way to make better decisions and be more productive…

If you need to get your plans together, take a look ahead or get clarity on some issues… Get in touch with me for a psychic reading, aura cleansing / chakra alignment or past life regression… Use the contact form to get intouch or my online scheduling system to book an appointment.

Psychic Jason Profit

Psychics the original life coach Greenville, SC Jason Profit

Today it is becoming more and more common for folks to employ the services of a “life coach” to help them make the best of their lives. Men and Women alike use the services of a life coach these days… but are they getting the most they can?

Just about anyone can call themselves a “life coach”, so you have to be careful who you choose as your coach for your life.

Here is something to consider though. Across the ages, the wisest most important people throughout history have consulted with oracles and prophets. Even Nancy Ragan used an astrologer!

IF you are seeking the services of a “Life Coach” consider your local trusted psychic, Jason Profit as smart option. Many business people and professional folks call me for insights into their lives and business to help them make the best choices for themselves.

You will be free to ask questions, in fact the more detailed your questions the more detailed the insights will be.

As an intuitive counsel, I have the ability to see a ways further down the proverbial path than your average “Life Coach” ever could. Therein lies the benefit of being able to make more informed decisions based on insightful revelations. For thousands and thousands of years the most informed and influential people often have the counsel of the ulimate life coach… their trusted psychic.

Now you can too! All you have to do is call me at: 864-248-6472 or EMAIL me at the addresss at the top of the page…

Tell me you are interested in my “life coach” based reading and we will get you scheduled in for your private appointment!

Whether you are in Greenville South Carolina, Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Anderson, Spartanburg or even Asheville NC… Give me call!

Jason Profit


Greenville explores Past Life Regression with Jason Profit

Past Life Regression: Who were you in a past life?

Maybe you were a soldier or a king? Maybe a nurse or a holy man?

Explore your past lives and find out for yourself! A hypnotic past life regression can help you explore and find these answers and explore the possibilities of reincarnation.

Here in the western world we are slowly coming around to the concept of reincarnation. For most of the world’s population reincarnation and karma are just a part of regular life. Thankfully minds are opening up to the possibilities here in the US.

Why do people get past life regressions?

Any number of experiences from our past lives may negatively affect us in this current life path. A person with a fear of water may have drowned in a past incarnation. A recent expample of this is a client who came to see me because his left hand had always been weak. Under hypnosis he discovered that he had lost that very same hand in a sword fight. Once he came to this awareness he was able to finally gain more and more strength in that hand.

These kinds of stories are never ending… Complete details on past life regressions

To learn more, click that link above!

Past Life Regression | Greenville Past Life Regression | Past Life Reading

The secret Law of attraction and the pending recession

by Jason 0 Comments

Maybe you have seen the movie “The Secret”… for the past few years it has been quite popular.

It’s goal is to teach folks about the “law of attraction” and how to attract the things that you want into your life.
The “law of attraction” is one of the universal laws that you need to regularly practice in your life to see your dreams come true.

With all of the promises of abundant wealth and having your dreams come true… why then are we facing a huge recession?

If “The Secret” was so powerful then why is the economy in a massive slump?

Why are the banks and US auto makers failing?

It really makes you wonder how this could all be happening if it was so easy to just imagine and feel the things you want and need…and then have them manifest in your life.

There are people just like you, right now using the “law of attraction” to regularly see their wants and needs flowing into their lives. Despite the economy, there are those of us who continue to prosper and have what we need. It could be that some of us know a little something about “The Secret” that you do not…

What do you want to happen in your life beginning now?

What are your dreams for you and your family?

If you could have the most important things simply show up for you in you life, what would that do for the quality of your life?

Now you may have tried to use the “law of attraction” in your life. You might have tried to practice the 3 rules to attract your hearts desires and it just didn’t seem to work… Maybe you saw some tiny benefits but not the massive abundance promised.

Well the real secret is this…

I have been telling my friends and clients all along,that there are a few other universal laws missing…

“The Secret” is incomplete!

I want to show you the other missing laws…
“The law of increase”
“The law of receiving”
“The law of forgiveness”
“The law of success”

There are a total of 11 forgotten universal laws that help
make the “Law of attraction” an unbeatable force in your life.

Visit the link below to learn more about the 11 forgotten
laws… Your future is important me. Please check out this
link now to see how you can begin seeing your dreams come true.

Learn about the 11 forgotten laws now… beyond the law of attraction

Nashville Parthenon: Reading in the Majestic Shadows

Several weeks ago I was spending a Saturday afternoon sharing readings with a few clients in Centennial Park downtown Nashville. The setting was the awe inspiring Parthenon.

Just sitting in the shadows of this massive replica of the original Greek Parthenon, you don’t have to be a mind reader to see why so many people of ancient times found it an ideal place of worship. After I had finished my readings for the day I decided to get out my camcorder and film a brief video tour of this tribute to ancient Athenian architecture.

As you enter the the exterior walkway you begin to feel dwarfed by the sheer size of the 17 columns that line each side of the exterior walls. The architects of the original Parthenon designed this into the structure in very subtle ways. The exterior columns are all leaning slightly inward and they all have a gentle bulge, tapering at each end. While scholars disagree as the reasons, I can assure you the result is a very humbling aesthetic point of view. These slight illusions make the building seem even taller and more powerful while making you feel more reverent of the gigantic statue of Athena housed within. Just like the original, Nashville’s replica also uses another trick to make the building seem more alive and pleasing to the eye. No horizontal element is perfectly straight. Instead, they arch up ever so slightly in the middle.

Inside you are met with the enormous 7.5 ton grand entrance doors. There are four of these doors in total, two on each end. Just like the original Parthenon, the replica was built facing east so that the morning light could flood through the grand doors and light up the inside as to show Athena Parthenos in all her glory.

Topping 41 feet tall, it is understandable why so many worshiped at the feet of this impressive golden idol. Clad in gold, it must have been a spectacular sight to ancient Athenians. Nashville’s replica of the statue of Athena is reportedly the tallest indoor statue in the western world. Now that she is finally clad in gold leaf, modern man finally has the opportunity to see her in the splendor the ancients must have enjoy in centuries past. Standing at her feet you can’t help but to feel a little of that mystery and wonder from days gone past.

Well I won’t bore you with any more of my rambling… Let’s take a brief video tour shall we? Just click play on the video below!

For more info about the Nashville Parthenon visit the following website:
Nashville Parks and Recreation, Parthenon website
