Some of you may remember that on 5-12-09 I appeared live on a radio show called “Seduction under the stars”. I had a great time with my hostesses Sherri Starr and Natalie Henson and look forward to being a guest again in the future.
We discussed a range of current events, past life regression, ghost stories and even conducted a live psychic experiment. During this live broadcast we had listeners get out an old spoon or fork and place it on their computer. We wanted to see how many of these spoons would bend due to the telekinetic energy!
Spoons DID bend! Look out for pics of spoons that bent during this broadcast coming soon! The reports are still coming in…
You can also participate in this spoon bending experiment… Listen to the recorded show and follow the instructions. The psychokinetic in this recorded program is still present and will continue to allow this internet spoon bending experiment to continue on…How many more spoons will become contorted and bent?
Listen to the show and be a part of the internets largest independent psychic spoon bending experiement! Get your spoon or fork and enjoy the show… email me your pics of your results or even video if you get it! Results will start being posted soon…